Thursday, 26 May 2011

Mac, not so safe!

Does Mac Defender, Mac Security or Mac Protector sound familiar to you? Have you perhaps even installed it to prevent viruses to eat your computer? Well congratulations, you have successfully installed a virus.

Just a few days ago, Apple acknowledged yesterday the problems with Mac Defender and promise to release a security update soon.

Mac Defender tells users that their computer has been infected with a virus and offers to remove it if the user enter their credit card number, and pay for the full version of the program.

The security update will automatically find and remove the program and will also add a function that will warn the users if they try to install any of the "antivirus" programs.

Apple is actually confessing that there is problems with OS X.

Shortly after Apple spoke about the update, a new version of the programs was released. It is now called Mac Guard and does not require the users to type in their password when they are installing it.

Mac Guard is split into two parts, the first part is a downloader which download the second part, Mac Guard.

One way to protect yourself from Mac Guard is to unselect "Run Safe Files" in Safari.


  1. It was only a matter of time before Macs got popular enough that virus makers would start creating viruses for them. It doesn't help that Mac users are usually pretty well off either - just makes them a more valuable target.

  2. as a long time mac user and former employee i wondered when this was gonna happen

  3. Agree with Keto master. It's always the rich folks that go apeshit over mac products, I'd be putting all sorts of things in there to get info if I made virus'

  4. Another reason to forgo having a mac. Only now people are interested in them are they creating viruses.

  5. Were there's people, there's crooks.

  6. Finally, mac users have been smug about their lack of viruses for too long

  7. looks like apple is not so safe anymore

  8. kinda agree with you, I broke my Iphone lol

  9. Apple, accept responsibility? Never!

  10. That's another reason lost for owning a mac.

  11. I need to tell my family about this, as they use macs. I stay away from that and use linux.

    But, thanks for the info and nice blog.

    Following and supporting.

  12. mac fanboys are gonna be squirming now

  13. Haha, macs are for children and girls!

  14. Heard about this. Freaky stuff. But then again, if you've had a windows box for some time, you'd know not to click on "stuff." :P
